Do-it-Yourself Hair Clippers

Do-it-Yourself Hair Clippers

This Do-it-Yourself Hair Clippers Lets you do Your Own Hair Cutting at Home!

The Do-it-Yourself Hair Clippers is the perfect tool to keep yourself groomed during the quarantine.  Let’s face it during this quarantine with all businesses including barber shops closed, grooming has now become a household chore.  The Phillips Do-it-Yourself hair clipper with head shaver attachment lets you keep yourself groomed in the comfort of your own home. The rotating head rotates 180-degrees so you can reach the entirety of your head.  The only difference between this and the Remington Vacuum Clippers is the lack of a vacuum and chamber to collect hair.  Nonetheless, this clipper will keep your hair cut to the level you like or if you want to go all the way and become fully bald just clip on the shaver attachment.
Get it Here on Amazon


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